Neem has long been revered in Indian culture as a potent herb with miraculous benefits for the skin, hair and body. The neem tree (also known as Azadirachta Indica) is a tree that is native to India and in Sanskrit is known as ‘arista’, a term that is often used to refer to something that is perfect, imperishable and complete. In Ayurveda, the tree is said to denote good health; it is not uncommon to spot a neem tree in the yards of most Indian houses.
Neem oil - that is obtained from the seed of the neem tree (also known as Indian Lilac) is packed with fatty acids and a host of other potent nutrients (such as Vitamin E, antioxidants, calcium and triglycerides) and is especially used to enhance the health of the skin and hair. Because of its potency, it is generally used in combination with a carrier oil such as the ones obtained from coconut, jojoba or grapeseed. We love to incorporate neem into our daily wellness rituals via our Body Créme but there are so many other ways you can make this ingredient a part of your beauty routines.
As an anti-bacterial + anti-fungal remedy
The leaves of the neem tree are used to treat fungal and bacterial infections. As a young girl growing up in India, our founder Anisha Vinjamuri remembers the time she had an occasional bath with neem infused water to help protect the skin from infections. A traditional paste made from neem leaves is also used to enhance the health and well-being of the skin.
As a potent source of calcium
If you thought it was possible to get your daily intake of calcium only through dairy based products, think again. Neem is an extraordinary source of calcium and can help build good bone health. In traditional branches of medicine such as Ayurveda, neem oil is often prescribed to patients who suffer from stiff or painful bones and arthritis. Regularly massaging the skin with neem oil also helps promote strong bones.
As an acne remedy
With it’s anti-inflammatory properties, neem helps reduce and treat acne. Neem oil is also believed to treat dry skin, redness and blemishes.
As a cure for dandruff
Due to its anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, neem helps cure dandruff and strengthen hair follicles, promoting hair growth. Traditionally, neem paste is also used as a hair conditioner.
As a collagen booster
Neem oil is a potent collagen booster and stimulates the production of collagen in the body, helping combat early signs of aging such as wrinkles, sagging and dull or dry skin.